Student Arrival Procedure

Car Rider Drop-Off

  • Pre-K students are dropped off at the side door in the bus parking lot. Please park your car and sign your student in each morning.

  • Student drop-off may begin at 7:20 AM. Students arriving between 7:20 AM and 7:40 AM will report to the cafeteria to eat breakfast or wait for the 7:40 bell. At 7:40 AM, students will report to their homeroom class. Any student arriving after 7:40 AM will eat breakfast in the cafeteria (breakfast is optional) and report to their homeroom class afterward. Breakfast will end at 7:55 AM.

  • Students do not have to wait for an adult to open the car door; older students may get out on his/her own if you feel comfortable allowing them to leave the car. That will help the line move faster in the morning, and it also helps to have students ready to unload quickly.

  • Please remember at 7:55, the staff enters the building. If you bring your child to school and there is no staff member at the front of the school, you need to walk your child into the school. We want the students to be safe, and if there is no adult to supervise, the parent needs to walk into the office to check the child in.

Bus Rider Drop-Off

  • Bus students arriving before 7:40 AM will report to the cafeteria to eat breakfast or wait for the 7:40 bell. When bus students arrive on campus after 7:40 AM, they will eat breakfast in the cafeteria (breakfast is optional) and report to their homeroom class.


Student Dismissal Procedures

Car Rider Pick-Up

  • Begin dismissal procedures at 3:00 PM.

  • Students will wait in their classrooms until their name is called over the radio and displayed on the Pikmykid App.

  • Parents will pick up students in the car line. (Do not park and pick up your child)

During the afternoon dismissal, do not merge into one line until you the last light pole. When you merge too far back, traffic on Hanes Ave becomes unsafe for our parents or buses.